Fantasy Worlds

Original stories told chapter by chapter


Touched at birth by the Goddess Artemis, Androcles must master his developing abilities and face the wrath of Apollo as he attempts to protect his friends and family from his enemies.


Two young siblings try to avoid getting caught up in their family battle for power. If they do, will they use their mystical magic abilities against their own family?


A young girl destined to work the land discovers that she is blessed by the Goddess Oya and she must leave all that she knows behind to fulfill her greater destiny.


Read about the process behind creating the chapters and making a fantasy world come to life

Magical Items

Magical Items In Mageia What goes better in a magical world than magical items? Some of the greatest stories are filled with objects that characters find, adorned with a magical essence. These magical items allow Read more…

Questions and Comments

I hope you continue to be a part of this epic journey through fantastical worlds. May the words in these stories weave a spell that will enchant your heart and ignite your soul.

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