Mythical Creature Pegasus

There are just so many phenomenal mythical creatures that exist in Ancient Greek mythology. It would take a lot of time and space in this blog to list them all. So, today my goal is to merely provide you with my edited list of mythical creatures that I believe would fit best into the plot of my story. Moreover, creatures that will make sense in the fantasy world that I want to create. I want the story to have unique magical entities and monsters though I will make sure not to choose popular characters like Pegasus. I think it will be more intriguing to feature creatures that are lesser known to those who are not avid fans of Greek Mythology, beasts that will be formidable foes or powerful allies for my Protagonist Androcles. Below are the creatures that I think fit those categories the most and brief descriptions of how they look.

  • Aeternae– Dog-like creatures with bony saw-toothed protuberances sprouting from their heads.
  • Amphisbaena– A serpent with a head at each end.
  • Crocotta– Has the body of a stag, lion’s neck, hooves and a wide mouth with a sharp bony ridge in place of teeth. It has the ability to imitate the human voice.
  • Dryads– Tree spirits that look similar to women. Their life force is connected to the tree they inhabit.
  • Golden Horned Deer– Deer that pull Artemis’ chariot through the skies.
  • Immortal Horses of the Sun God– Horses that pull Apollo’s chariot through the skies.
  • Naidads– Female spirits that guard fresh waters such as fountains, wells, springs, and brooks.
  • Myrmekes-Giant, flesh-eating ants.
Dryad of a forest

Adding To The Map

Now that I have my list of creatures, I will return back to my map. I sketched a barebones map listing Ephesus, Miletus and the fantasy land of Mageia in between. I sketched a mountain range and put trees where the forest lies. Now I have to decide where Androcles will encounter each mythical creature on the map.

I know that inside of Mageia, I will have the mythological creatures that resemble humans, such as the Dryads and the Naiads. Outside of Mageia, I will write the names of creatures by the geographical area in which they would live. For example, the Crocotta usually lives in a lush area because they enjoy hiding in bushes to hunt their prey. I am making sure to put the Crocotta in the forest area close to Ephesus. Now, I don’t want to reveal all the story’s secrets; just know that each creature will reside in a place that makes sense for them. It is an important step when writing to create a story map. In this case, I am starting with a location map of characters and creatures. I think once I have all the magical elements mapped out I can begin to create a journey for my main character to embark upon, where he will encounter all of these creatures and elements.

“Mythical” Creatures

Now, I did come across some animals in my research that were not magical, but essential to the story. For example, Gadflies, which Apollo uses on his enemies, and a golden Raven which ties to a mythical story about Apollo punishing a bird and subsequently creating a black Raven. These animals exist in the natural  world, but do not necessarily behave as they would normally. So I will label them “mythical” for the purposes of this story.

Finally, when talking about mythical creatures, I can’t forget to include the animals owned by the gods themselves. Apollo and Artemis both use magical creatures, like the stunning animals that pull their chariots. I definitely want to include them in the story, even though they will not be on my physical map.

At this point, I am satisfied with the new additions for today. I can’t wait to move on to the other magical elements and items that will enchant this fantasy world!

1 Comment

Magical Items - Words Are Magical · December 14, 2020 at 9:06 pm

[…] kill people with just its scent. It has also been used on the tips of arrows to kill monsters and mythical creatures by other Greek heroes. This rare item will indeed come in handy when Androcles faces dangerous […]

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