Magical Items In Mageia

What goes better in a magical world than magical items? Some of the greatest stories are filled with objects that characters find, adorned with a magical essence. These magical items allow the characters who own them to have supernatural abilities. I mean, I wish I could get my hand on some of these items. In addition to providing the owner with magical abilities, some of these items pack a serious punch. After researching, I have narrowed my list down to these few must-have items that would fit perfectly into my fantasy world.

Horn of Artemis

The hunting horn of Artemis is depicted in some pictures of the goddess. It looks like a smaller version of a deer’s antlers. She would carry it around her waist as she hunted wild beasts. In Mageia, this magical item will provide its owner with enhanced speed, aim and precision when hunting and shooting. It will make any common person a fierce and skillful hunter. This will be important for Androcles when the odds are against him as he faces formidable foes. This magical item will also help some of his less skilled friends when they find themselves in peril.

Dragon Teeth

The next magical item is not just one item. It is said that, if one could get their hands on dragon teeth, they could plant them and the teeth would grow into an army of fierce warriors. Clearly, anyone seeking power would want to get their hands on these rare and powerful magical objects. This will be a great item for a character to obtain; it can help decide the outcome of an epic battle. However, getting dragon teeth could involve having to enter a dragon’s lair.

Hydra Blood

Not every creature can be defeated using a bow and arrow. In fact, many creatures’ blood are poisonous to both humans and other monsters. Hydra blood, the next magical item on my list, is an example of this. Hydra blood is known for its ability to kill people with just its scent. It has also been used on the tips of arrows to kill monsters and mythical creatures by other Greek heroes. This rare item will indeed come in handy when Androcles faces dangerous mythical monsters on his journey.

Where Do I Add These Items?

Now that I have collected some of the magical items I want to add to my story, all I need to do is figure out where these items will be hidden. Perhaps the characters will have to journey to people who possess these items. This takes some mapping out of the plot. I will have to decide when it will be best on my hero’s journey to use each item. Each one will play a significant role in his defeating an enemy and ultimately figuring out his true fate.


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